FO At Last

Hoorayyy - Evie is finished. I've just sewn her little flower on and she is all done. Doesn't she look lovely. Actually, she wasn't what you might call a challenging knit. She was done in Rowan 4ply soft - so was quite time consuming, but not difficult at all. I'm pleased with the end result and think her new owner will enjoy wearing her.
I am now about to start the finishing on Duel, since this is only a little one - I'm hoping it isn't going to take too long. Once that is done, I'll be well underway and ready to just about start another project !
Oh yes and over the weekend, I just managed to finish a sleeve of Rosy - I don't think anyone noticed ! Well I need her - look at this weather we are having - I need to put a jumper on and she's just the one !
I received a lovely package in the post this morning, it was the Noro Silk Garden I ordered from Kangaroo. I bought four balls all of different colours, unfortunately I had already wound two by the time I thought to get the camera out. The two I have wound are destined for a ribbed scarf for a friend of mines' birthday - he chose one of the colours himself and I chose another colour to go with it, I hope it looks alright. The last two balls are to do an exact replica scarf for me - I've been coverting one of these for ages and well, it was on special offer, how could I say no ?
Look at those gorgeous colours

Poor Jacob! That drapey top you're making looks lovely. I love that kind of thing.
Evie is very cute. Well done! I love FO's... You achieve something and it's off to the next one.
that's gorgeous! i have such a clever sp!
Hi ya hot stuff. Nice projects you have going, that sweater turned out great.
I'm totally doing too many myself but I've got less free time. Are you going to start on knitting some presents for the Winter holidays? I keep thinking about it...
I hope you feel better soon and give Jacob's finger a kiss better from me.
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